I thought I’d write a business update for my blog with two purposes: One, to update friends/clients; and two, to finally put to paper my plans and aspirations for this upcoming “new” year, considering its ALREADY February. (Gosh. I can’t believe that!)

Some of you might have noticed, but I haven’t taken on much work since the holidays. Thankfully that hasn’t been because of lack of work headed my way, but an actually it was a decision to take time off and focus on getting my business/home life running more smoothly, continuing (photography) education, and having time for my family.

My biggest goal this year is to streamline and manage a new way of working that minimizes stress on myself and my family. With the new year, I’m ready and preparing for exciting change. Being purposeful with my time is my mantra. Strict work and home hours are going to be followed. No longer are the days of not being present with Gracie, or responding to emails way later than I wanted to (hopefully!).

Being purposeful with my time means “quality” time with my daughter. My responsibility as her Mom is to teacher her about God, the world around her and basic schooling, being that she’s at home with me. One thing I’m super excited about is Gracie’s curriculum that I’ve been working on. While I was in business school I worked as a pre-school teacher. I kept a ton of material, including curriculum and activities we had to prepare, so that’s really come in handy preparing what we will be doing each day. For me, it’s all about being more purposeful with my time. I follow Pocketfuel on Instagram, and they posted a great post the other day and they posted:

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Matthew 25:21 struck me a little, and quite frankly always has. I’ve heard this my whole life.  “Being faithful over a few things.”  That translates to me so much, and hits my heart in a way that convicts me of needing to be more diligent with my “few things” that I am responsible for. In my daily reading, Joseph, being wrongly accused and locked up my Pharaoh ends up being well favored in the prison system and put in charge of affairs in the prison system. His attitude, his circumstances didn’t discourage him from being a leader, even in prison, under false accusation. God used him mightily, in my opinion because of his attitude, faith and his hard work of being “faithful over a few things” God indeed made him ruler over all of Egypt. Amazing.

So, my goal as a momma, wife, business owner, and servant of the most High God, is to be faithful and more purposeful in my day and with my time. To have God-sized dreams, and goals. To keep pushing forward even when I/we have bad days.

I’m so thankful for God’s word and His promises to us.


I’m so thankful for new years, new goals, fresh outlooks and new beginnings.

Iphone pictures: