I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE HERE! this little blog is a place for me to connect…with you! So, if you love pretty photos, warm sunsets and all things mom and home life…this should be right up your alley!!!

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Lesson Ten: Editing Your Images Part Two

Lesson Ten: Editing Your Images Part Two

In this lesson we will cover specifics in editing and apps that gets the job done! These lessons are geared toward how I personally edit my images. Many other professional photographers (and non photographers) edit their photos in Lightroom Mobile. Lightroom mobile IS...

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Lesson Nine: Editing Your Images

Lesson Nine: Editing Your Images

Here we are. At my favorite part of photography. Editing! Once you've considered composition, lighting, color, pattern, and everything else we've learned and you've snapped that's now time to edit that amazing image. This is the magical time where we take our...

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Lesson Eight : Storytelling-Capturing your Story

Lesson Eight : Storytelling-Capturing your Story

Welcome to Lesson Eight: Capturing YOUR story. When I look back at history (I LOOOVE history) I'm always drawn to photographs. Seeing what things were like "back then" is one of my favorites in life. Having grown up in an area where there is rich history of our...

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Lesson Six: Lighting Outdoors

Lesson Six: Lighting Outdoors

Welcome to lesson Six: Lighting Outdoors! I'm so glad you've made it this far and you're sticking with it! Let's jump right in! Lighting Outdoors There are countless different situations you'll find yourself in outdoors (obviously) but there are two main lighting...

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My whole life has led me to this very business right here.

Sounds super dramatic, I know....but, as I look back at the unconventional paths I’ve taken in life and each area I’ve studied has directly contributed to this business I’m so passionate about. Read More...